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“I have never seen a market unfold in other than an Elliott Wave pattern.” --- Robert Prechter What is the "Spot Price"? - one might say that the "spot" price is the price quoted for large bars of the precious metal. Those metal bars are stored in certified warehouses. Usually only the receipt of ownership changes hands. Keep in mind that the spot price does not include broker commissions. When purchasing precious metals in the form of coins or smaller bars expect to pay a premium for the manufacture, some kind of commission or markup, and of course postage/insurance to receive your purchase. Our opinion is, that for the individual investor, it is best to take personal possession of all metals and coins you purchase.
All prices quoted and information you see comes from what we expect
to be reliable sources. Do the possibility of error or omission beyond our control,
no warranty or guarantee is expressed or implied
as to the accuracy of any given quote. Please use your good judgment and
verify prices before you make any transaction.
Spot metals price charts and graphs come from various sources. Usually gold and silver metal price quotes are updated many times daily. No guarantee of their accuracy is given. To purchase coins please visit Lynn Coin and Sports card store at
Lynncoins.com. Thanks!
If you have comments, suggestions, or questions please email us at jlynn@aeneas.net Please visit www.lynncoins.com for the following GOLD COINS: AUSTRIA gold coins FAIRY gold coins France Gold coins Krugerrand gold RUSSIAN gold South AFRICA gold SWISS Gold coins |